BC Gaming Event Licence #154087
BC Gaming Event Licence #154086
BC Gaming Event Licence #154085

For inquiries relating to any ticket purchased please call 778-729-0504 or 1-833-870-4188 or email [email protected].


For the Millionaire Lottery a total of 320,000 tickets are available, with approximately 119,500 tickets @ 2 for $100 each (59,750 2-Packs); 94,750 tickets @ 5 for $175 (18,950 5-Packs); 49,500 tickets @ 10 for $300 (4,950 10-Packs); and 56,250 tickets @ 25 for $600 (2,250 25-Packs). While the number of tickets in each price category may change, the total number of tickets available, 320,000, will not.

For the 50/50 Plus draw a total of 632,400 tickets are available with 75,770 tickets @ 2 for $20 (37,885 2-Packs); 152,000 tickets @ 6 for $35 (25,401 6-Packs); 124,416 tickets @ 16 for $70 (7,776 16 Packs); and 279,808 tickets @ 32 for $100 (8,744 32-Packs).

For the Daily Cash Plus Game a total of 232,000 tickets are available with 74,484 tickets @ 2 for $30 (39,242 2-Packs); 69,024 tickets @ 6 for $55 (11,504 6-Packs); and 84,492 tickets @ 12 for $80 (7,041 12-Packs).

Each Millionaire Lottery ticket sold in a 2-Pack, 5-Pack, 10-Pack, or a 25-Pack, and each 50/50 Plus Lottery ticket sold in a 2-pack, 6-Pack, 16-Pack, or a 32-Pack, and each Daily Cash Plus Game ticket sold in a 2-Pack, 6-Pack or a 12-Pack must contain the same customer information. A ticket purchaser must purchase a Millionaire Lottery ticket to purchase 50/50 Plus Lottery and/or Daily Cash Plus Game tickets.

Once you have purchased a ticket in the 2024 Millionaire Lottery, you are entitled to add 50/50 Plus Lottery tickets and Daily Cash Plus Game tickets without purchasing an additional 2024 Millionaire Lottery ticket. Please call customer service at 778-729-0504 or 1-833-870-4188 or email [email protected].

A purchaser may purchase as many Millionaire Lottery, 50/50 Plus Lottery and Daily Cash Plus Game tickets as they wish, provided they purchase, or have purchased, at least one Millionaire Lottery Ticket Pack.

Tickets may be sold and purchased only in British Columbia.

Ticket purchasers must be 19 years of age or older.


Prizes are awarded tax-free in Canada.  The price of tickets is not deductible as a charitable donation for tax purposes in Canada.


Loyalty Bonus Cutoff is Midnight, Friday, November 8, 2024

Fall Bonus Cutoff is Midnight, Friday, November 22, 2024

Christmas Bonus Cutoff is Midnight, Friday, December 6, 2024

Early Bird Cutoff is Midnight, Friday, December 20, 2024

50/50 Plus Cutoff is Midnight, Friday, January 10, 2025

Daily Cash Plus Game Cutoff is Midnight, Friday, January 10, 2025

Final Sales Cutoff is Midnight, Friday, January 10, 2025


Loyalty Bonus:

Thursday, November 21st, 2024, at 9:30 am at MNP LLP, 15303 31st Avenue, Surrey, BC.

Fall Bonus:

Thursday, December 5th, 2024, at 9:30 am at MNP LLP, 15303 31st Avenue, Surrey, BC.

Christmas Bonus

Thursday, December 19th, 2024, at 9:30 am at MNP LLP, 15303 31st Avenue, Surrey, BC.

Early Birds:

Thursday, January 9th, 2025, at 9:30 am at MNP LLP, 15303 31st Avenue, Surrey, BC.

50/50 Plus Lottery, Daily Cash Plus Game, Grand Prize and Final Draws:

Monday, February 3rd, 2025, at MNP LLP, 15303 31st Avenue, Surrey, BC from 9:30 am to 1:00 pm for all remaining prizes over $1,000.  All draws will be conducted in accordance with Gaming Policy and Enforcement Branch – Licensed Charitable Gaming Rules. All winners will be chosen by using a Random Number Generator.

Balance of prizes drawn at MNP LLP, 15303 31st Avenue, Surrey, BC, Monday, February 3rd, 2025, from 9:30 am to 1:00 pm, or until completed.  Prizes will be drawn in order of ascending value starting with the prize of least value.

Daily Cash Plus Game Saturday to Thursday winners of $1,000 will be announced from February 8th, 2025, to May 22nd, 2025.  Friday winners of $2,500 will be announced every Friday from February 14th, 2025, to May 16th, 2025. The three final prize winners, one of $75,000, one of $50,000, and one of $25,000 cash will be announced on May 23rd, 2025. Winners will be posted daily on the website at millionairelottery.com.  All winners will be contacted daily except Saturday, Sunday, and Holiday Mondays, who will be contacted on the following business day.


There are 3,068 prizes available to be won in the Millionaire Lottery. The retail value of all prizes is $3,970,679 based on Manufacturers Suggested Retail Price as provided by our suppliers. This amount includes any related taxes on the individual prizes.  Each ticket is re-entered after each prize category.  Prizes must be accepted as awarded and must be claimed within 12 months of the draw date.  A decision to take the cash equivalent of any prize awarded must be made within 10 days of claim. If the Grand Prize winner is not eligible to purchase property in Canada, the cash option must be selected. No substitutions are permitted by winners except where a cash equivalent or alternate prize is specified.  Prizes may not be exactly as shown.  To claim a prize with a cash equivalent option, prize winners must provide the following documents on request:

  • Signed and witnessed Waiver Form
  • Photocopy of winning ticket or prize winner letter
  • A copy of their valid Photo Identification


The following, including their spouse and any related or dependent person residing in the same household are prohibited from purchasing a ticket in this lottery: board members and employees of VGH & UBC Hospital Foundation, partners, and employees of official auditors KPMG, MNP LLP and SCI.


All ticket purchases are subject to Licensed Charitable Gaming Rules – Gaming Policy and Enforcement.

In order to process a ticket order, the entire payment transaction must take place in British Columbia. Orders for tickets must not be accepted from, or processed for, persons located outside the province at time of purchase.


A non-resident of British Columbia may purchase a ticket only if the entire payment transaction takes place while the person is physically in British Columbia and if the ticket or a receipt is issued at that time. Tickets must be purchased at a retail sales outlet (London Drugs).


Non-residents of British Columbia may not purchase a ticket by phone, fax, mail or online.

If a receipt is issued, the licensee must as soon as possible mail the confirmation of ticket numbers purchased to the purchaser at the out-of-province address provided. If for any reason the purchaser does not receive the confirmation by the time of the draw, the receipt will count as a valid confirmation of the ticket purchase.

Tickets or receipts will not be distributed to, mailed to, or otherwise sent to a non-resident’s third-party address in BC.


A resident of British Columbia may purchase a ticket only if the entire payment transaction takes place while the person is physically in British Columbia and can provide a valid British Columbia mailing address. When a resident of British Columbia is outside the province of British Columbia, they may not place an order to purchase tickets. This restriction includes all methods of ordering tickets, including mailing in your order.

For further information on restrictions on purchasing, please see Licensed Charitable Gaming Rules, Gaming Policy and Enforcement Branch, Province of British Columbia. The website for this information is https://www2.gov.bc.ca/assets/gov/sports-recreation-arts-and-culture/gambling/licences/rules-licensed-charitable-gaming.pdf.


All prize draws will be conducted in accordance with Gaming Policy and Enforcement Branch – Licensed Charitable Gaming Rules.

All prizes will be chosen using a Random Number Generator.

Each ticket is eligible to win one prize in every prize category.

A complete searchable winners’ database will be available on this webpage on or before February 7th, 2025.

The records of MNP LLP shall be deemed correct if there is a discrepancy in numbers.

Winners will be notified by phone or email by MNP LLP as to the prize(s) they have won and how to claim.

Should there be more than one name on a ticket, the prize will be awarded to the primary name on the ticket and that person will be responsible for distributing any prizes, in the event of a group purchase winning.

All ticket packs are considered a single purchase and all tickets are issued in the same name or names.

Winners consent to the release of their names and photo by the Licensee.

Winners have 1 year from the draw date to claim their prizes.

A decision to take the cash equivalent of the Grand Prize awarded must be made within 10 days of being advised of their prize options.

If the Grand Prize winner is not eligible to purchase property in Canada, the cash option must be selected.

Should a situation arise where it is impossible to hold a prize draw on the specified date, at the time posted, the following will apply:

  1. The Foundation will immediately obtain permission from GPEB to postpone the draws.
  2. All buyers will be notified of the change in draw date and time by email, by a posting on the program website, com, by postings on all social media channels, and by advertising, where time permits.
  3. Only tickets eligible for the postposed draw will continue to be eligible for that draw.
  4. For any further information, or terms and conditions, please email [email protected] or call 778-729-0504 or 1-833-870-4188 for personal contact.
  5. Should a draw be postponed due to any unforeseen circumstance, the draws will take place on the first available day where circumstances allow the draws to take place. All draws will be completed within the license period.


The Licensee reserves discretionary right not to accept entries.

The official ticket is a receipt of purchase.  It is the responsibility of the ticket purchaser to ensure they receive their ticket; however, participants do not need their ticket in hand in order to be included in the respective draws.

All sales are final once the ticket number is assigned, and all sales are subject to credit approval.

No refunds will be issued after commencement of the draws.

The Purchaser is responsible for proof-of-ownership of shared tickets.

Allow 2-3 weeks for delivery of your official ticket.

Should a prize be unavailable due to circumstances beyond the Licensee’s control, the winner shall be awarded cash equal to the cost of the prize as agreed between the prize provider and the licensee at time of application for the license, plus GST.

The liability of the Licensee is limited to the ticket price paid.

Ticket purchasers must be 19 years of age or older.

If a winning ticket bears a minor’s name, the prize will be lawfully delivered on behalf of the minor to the minor’s parent, legal guardian, or trustee.

*The grand prize winner will choose one grand prize option; the other nine options will not be awarded.

If there is a discrepancy, the list and rules at MNP LLP shall be deemed correct.  For enquiries relating to any ticket purchased please call 778-729-0504 or 1-833-870-4188 or email [email protected].


VGH & UBC Hospital Foundation, 855 West 12th Avenue, Vancouver, BC (604-875-4676).


We respect your privacy. VGH & UBC Hospital Foundation protects personal information and adheres to all legislative requirements with respect to privacy. We do not rent, sell, or trade our mailing lists. Information provided through ticket purchase will be used to deliver services and keep you informed on Foundation activities, including programs, services, special-events, funding needs, opportunities to volunteer or give and more, through periodic contacts.

To be removed from these contacts, please call 604-875-4676 or email [email protected].